SBI Includes are such a tremendous time saving technology that no serious web-master can afford to ignore them. Don's Do SBI Includes allows you to use your favorite HTML and graphic editors, keep clean efficient source files and still fully test your SBI! Includes before uploading anything to SBI.
The program gives quick access to all the tools you need to create and maintain your HTML files in the most efficient manner so you can maximize the time you have for creating great content.
If you are new to uploading your own HTML pages to SBI, or you don't follow Ken's posts in the forum religiously you might have missed the launch of SBI! Includes just before Christmas - 2005. If you are an SBI! owner or affiliate you can find Ken's kick off message here and the official Do SBI Includes Help Page here.
The basic concept of using includes is very simple. You take out a section of HTML code that will be the same on multiple pages and replace it with a link to a .shtml file containing the removed code. When you upload this modified html page to SBI you are asked to upload the referenced .shtml file.
The beauty of this system comes when you need to make a change to the code in the .shtml file. Change the html code with your favorite html editor and do a quick upload of the .shtml file and SBI schedules and carries out a complete rebuild of every page on your site that contains a reference to the revised .shtml file. Changes don't happen immediately but they do happen without further intervention from you.
Don's Do SBI Includes is a control center where I have assembled all the tools I need to name, create, insert, update, and prepare for upload SBI Includes. Also I can browse and edit both my include files and preview and test web pages from within its friendly confines. Whenever you run a process that will change one or more of your source web pages, a non-destructive back-up copy is made. This means that if something goes wrong you can always backtrack and restore the last correct version of the file.
Click on the button below to take a look at configuring Version 1.02 of Don's Do SBI Includes:
Click on the button below to watch a Flash tutorial on how to create, insert and locally test SBI Includes with Don's Do SBI Includes - Version 1.02 I have changed how this was done from earlier beta versions so if you have used the program before please check out this version.
Whow - It has been 2.5 years since I looked much at this piece of software. SBI announced in the spring of 2009 that they would soon be allowing SBI includes and sometime in 2010, CSS style sheets for block builders. This news has revived interest in the software.
In this version of Don's Do SBI Includes I have added the capability to handle multiple web sites with the software. If you are just starting this is not very exciting news but down the road you will really appreciate it and find it essential.
I have cleaned up things under the hood so that you should not have any problems getting the program going and configured. I have cleaned up how the program stores the paths you give it and the check boxes you click. Information global to all web sites is saved in the file DoIncSys.ini found in the install directory. Info local to each website is stored in the DoIncludes.ini found in each web sites Mirror folder
I have also made it easier to configure your local website folders by offering to automatically fill them in based on the Web Mirror folder that you set up when you first register a website. This offer is made the first time you set up a website and any time you change from one web-site to another.
On this page I have tried to demonstrate how Don's Do SBI Includes can be a great aid if you are using SBI Includes. This is especially true if you want to use them for your navigation bars which is one of their best uses. Web masters who would like to purchase the program can do so for only $34.95 US. This includes free updates for the life of the program.
I plan to add four or five new modules in the near future. These modules will be stand along but can be linked into and activated from Don's Do SBI Includes. The first will help you build SBI Include Menus in multiple languages. The second will mirror the SBI upload page analysis program. I also plan to add a Photo Gallery Builder and eventually my Build-My-Web-Page html editor. Owners of Do SBI Includes will receive a 20% discount on add on modules!
If you want to dig into the details use the following button to view, print or download the documentation for Version 1.02.
If you are ready to sign-up and give the program a free 30 day try please click on the following button to download Ver 1.02.
You can click on the following button to go to PayPal and pay $34.95 US to register your copy of Don's Do SBI Includes. You can pay from your PayPal account or use your major Credit Card. After I receive your payment I will send your Registration Code by email. Thanks for your payment.
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